Thursday, 10 February 2011

Bomb spotters map 1944

Hello all,

I have to share this one with's very interesting!
London Peculiar came across this amazing 'bomb spotters' map a little while ago.
It shows a circular view of London in 1944
It was presented to the bomb spotter, a Mr Stallybrass, for being the Bank of England bomb, or roof  spotter during the war.

During the war, many buildings across London would use  (often volunteers) a 'bomb spotter' who would go onto the roof at night and watch for bombs, so they could raise the alarm and alert everyone in time for them to get to an air raid shelter!
A hugely important job which would have saved many lives.

The letter which accompanied the map says
'The court of directors wishes to place on record their appreciation of your work in the civil defence services of the Bank during the trying years of the war. As a  memento of the times of danger through which you have passed, ask you to accept  a copy of a drawing by a member of bank staff which was prepared to serve the roof spotters during the time of the flying bomb menace..signed by the govenor,  1945

what a wonderful map..

Isn't that amazing...and what an unusual piece of London history...

g'night all


  1. I have this exact map, except addressed to a Miss Wi...tle . Does anyone have any more info on this map or particulars on the families that were involved.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
